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The engineering services Trillium Engineering Group provides include structural design, civil engineering, structural evaluations and observations, master planning and permitting, site design and boundary surveying. We enjoy working with our clients through every stage of a project, vbet casino from conceptual design, through to producing buildable, issued for construction design documents. Trillium Engineering Group’s professional engineers are here to navigate you through the design process with feasible, cost saving engineering design solutions for your municipal construction project.


Our Engineering Services

  • Structural Engineering Design

    Structural Design. Structural Evaluations. Historic Preservations. Structural Observations. Structural Insurance Evaluations, Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings

  • Civil Engineering Design

    Site Design. Master Planning. VBET review Planning and Permitting. Construction Services. Topographic Surveying. Boundary Surveying.

Registered Professional Engineers

Maine • New Hampshire • Massachusetts • Vermont • Connecticut • Rhode Island • New York • New Jersey • Pennsylvania • Ohio • North Carolina • South Carolina • Tennessee • Utah • Colorado • Wyoming • California • Arizona • Florida • Texas